established in 1989B. F. Modaraba managed by
E. A. Management (Private) Limited

About Us

Since its inception in 1989, B. F. Modaraba has led the field as a multi-purpose and multi-dimensional Modaraba. Under the aegis of E. A. Management (Pvt) Limited, the fund has gone from Rs. 20 million to just over 75 million through the issuance of right and stock dividend.

Our activities include leasing (both corporate and individual), long- and short-term Morabaha and Musharika, equity market and investment operations, trading and rendering services - only activities that fall within the parameters defined by Islam. As part of the Amin Bawany Group, we come from the rich business history of one of the nation’s industrial leaders, as part of a group of diverse interests.

To engage effectively, responsibly and profitability in providing financial products and services consistently seeking high standard of performance to maintain a longterm success position in the competitive environment


To provide financial products translating and services within the spirit of Islamic Shariah and in accordance with the law to contribute in the promotion of the law and to contribute towards fulfilling our responsibilities in building a progressive society.


Company Profile

E. A. Management (Pvt) Ltd


View our financial progress over the years

Financial Year2020-2021
Financial Year2018-2019
Financial Year2016-2017
Financial Year2014-2015
Financial Year2012-2013
Financial Year2019-2020
Financial Year2017-2018
Financial Year2015-2016
Financial Year2013-2014
Financial Year2011-2012

Investors Relations

Engaging with a wide range of stakeholders

Our Investors Relations are the many individuals and organizations


Contact Person: Muhammad Ayub
Contact No. 0333-8592100

DISCLAIMER: “In case your complaint has not been properly redressed by us, you may lodge your complaint with
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (the “SECP”). However, please note that SECP will entertain
only those complaints which were at first directly requested to be redressed by the Company and the company
has failed to redress the same. Further, the complaints that are not relevant to SECP’s regulatory
domain/competence shall not be entertained.”


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